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A Tale of Two Houses

A Tale of Two Houses documents a special window of time in Tucson music history between the years of 1984 - 1986. The movie specifically focuses on 2 party houses located on the busiest corner in Tucson conveniently located next to the only late-night restaurant in town. These 2 houses (814 & 818 Speedway) were the hub of the Tucson DIY music scene as local and touring bands often played there. A Tale of Two Houses is my love letter to an era long gone in the city I grew up in. It's a coming of age examination of how young people, who found themselves outside of the mainstream, found each other, their tribe and inspiration in a pre-digital age.


One of the things that makes this time special is that every moment wasn't recorded. While I am so honored and grateful to use archival Tucson footage of the era from Denise Webb, Chris Wagganer and Charles Alfred Brown, I have also employed the illustration and animation skills of Tucson artists, Kevin Byrd, Chris Cilla, STAIN, Dana Fiorelli and Aiden Holiman to help tell the story in a visually vibrant, expressive, psychedelic and explosive way!


A Tale of Two Houses feature the music of Los Hamsters, U.P.S., Opinion Zero, River Roses, The Johnies, Rainer, The Deadbolts, What Went Wrong, Al Perry, Sloth, Phantom Limbs, Bloodspasm, Naim Amor, Rita Braga and The Ghosts of Chris Carlone

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